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#3D231A Deep Maroon
#008C8C Teal
#E1C16D Mustard Yellow
#5B7F5B Olive Green
#FF6F61 Coral
#00A3E0 Sky Blue
#C4B6D4 Lavender Gray
#3d231a Ethereal Espresso

Contrasting Chart Colors

Palette Description

Thank you for specifying! Here’s a revised color palette that includes your provided color ( #3d231a ) while maintaining a diverse range of contrasting colors suitable for a chart.

 <Contrasting Chart Colors>
1. Deep Maroon - 
                         - A rich, dark red that serves as a strong base color.
2. Teal - 
                         - A refreshing teal that adds a vibrant contrast.
3. Mustard Yellow - 
                         - A warm yellow that brings brightness and optimism.
4. Olive Green - 
                         - A muted green that complements the maroon well.
5. Coral - 
                         - A lively coral that adds warmth and energy.
6. Sky Blue - 
                         - A bright blue that introduces a sense of tranquility and space.
7. Lavender Gray - 
                         - A soft grayish purple that balances the palette with its subtlety.

This palette includes your specified color while ensuring that each color is distinctly different, making it ideal for chart representation.

Would you like to adjust any colors or explore specific applications for this palette?