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#002D72 Navy Blue
#F67100 Orange
#A4A8AB Silver

Houston Astros Colors

Palette Description

 <Houston Astros Colors>
1. Navy Blue - 
                         - Represents the team's deep-rooted history and strength.
2. Orange - 
                         - A vibrant color symbolizing energy and enthusiasm.
3. White - 
                         - A clean and crisp color that signifies purity and balance.
4. Silver - 
                         - Adds a modern touch, representing innovation and excellence.

This color palette captures the essence of the Houston Astros, combining strong, bold colors with a fresh and modern feel. The navy blue and orange are iconic to the team’s branding, while white and silver provide a versatile backdrop for various applications.

Do you have a specific design project in mind that you’d like to use this color palette for?