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#FF4B8C Pink
#A4D7E1 Light Blue
#C3A6E4 Lavender
#A7E3D0 Mint Green
#F9E74E Yellow

Angie Yonaga Color Palette

Palette Description

 <Angie Yonaga Color Palette>
 1. Pink - 
                         - A vibrant and lively pink that reflects Angie's cheerful and creative personality.
 2. Light Blue - 
                         - A soft, calming blue that represents her artistic side and adds a soothing touch.
 3. Lavender - 
                         - A gentle lavender that conveys a sense of whimsy and creativity, reminiscent of her colorful art.
 4. Mint Green - 
                         - A fresh and invigorating mint that brings a modern flair, highlighting her youthful energy.
 5. Yellow - 
                         - A bright and cheerful yellow that embodies optimism and joy, perfect for her upbeat character.

This color palette captures the vibrant and artistic essence of Angie Yonaga, blending lively and cheerful colors that reflect her personality and creative spirit.

Would you like more information on how to use this palette, or do you have a specific project in mind where you plan to apply it?