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#C8102E Crimson Red
#333333 Charcoal Gray
#FFFFFF Bright White
#101820 Soft Black
#C0C0C0 Silver

Red Passion

Palette Description

 <Red Passion>
1. Crimson Red - 
                         - A bold and vibrant shade of red that evokes strong emotions and energy.
2. Charcoal Gray - 
                         - A deep, neutral color that provides a strong contrast and adds sophistication.
3. Bright White - 
                         - A pure, clean white that enhances brightness and clarity in the palette.
4. Soft Black - 
                         - A subtle black that offers depth and helps balance the vivid red tones.
5. Silver - 
                         - A light metallic gray that adds a touch of elegance and modernity to the palette.

This color palette, “Red Passion,” is inspired by Pantone 186c. It features a striking crimson red as the dominant color, complemented by sophisticated neutrals and a metallic accent. This combination is perfect for designs that require a bold statement while maintaining a modern and polished look.

What type of project are you considering using this color palette for?