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#FFC0CB Pink
#FFD700 Gold
#E6E6FA Lavender
#C0C0C0 Silver

Glinda Color Palette

Palette Description

 <Glinda Color Palette>
1. Pink - 
                         - A soft, delicate shade reminiscent of cotton candy, symbolizing sweetness and femininity.
2. Gold - 
                         - A bright, warm gold that evokes a sense of luxury and magic, reflecting Glinda's enchanting presence.
3. Lavender - 
                         - A light, calming purple that conveys serenity and dreams, perfect for a whimsical character.
4. Silver - 
                         - A shimmering, cool gray that adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to the palette.
5. White - 
                         - Pure and clean, representing innocence and purity, often associated with Glinda's character.

This color palette captures the essence of Glinda, the Good Witch, combining soft tones and a touch of sparkle to reflect her magical and benevolent nature.

What specific project or application do you have in mind for this color palette? Would you like suggestions for complementary colors or usage tips?