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#007BFF Bright Blue
#28A745 Bright Green
#DC3545 Bright Red
#FFC107 Bright Yellow
#6F42C1 Dark Purple
#20C997 Teal
#FD7E14 Orange
#17A2B8 Light Blue
#218838 Dark Green
#E83E8C Prickly Pink
#FFEB3B Light Yellow
#B57EBA Light Purple
#6CC24A Light Green
#FF6B6B Salmon
#FF7F50 Coral
#98FF98 Mint Green
#FFD700 Gold
#E6E6FA Lavender
#87CEEB Sky Blue
#E0B0FF Mauve
#4B0082 Indigo
#FFDAB9 Peach
#333333 Charcoal
#D2B48C Light Brown
#FFFDD0 Cream

give me 25 colors for excel sheet to use in a time table. they should be distinct from each other

Palette Description


1. Bright Blue - #007BFF - A vibrant blue that stands out and is easy on the eyes. 2. Bright Green - #28A745 - A fresh green that conveys positivity and growth. 3. Bright Red - #DC3545 - A bold red that grabs attention and indicates urgency. 4. Bright Yellow - #FFC107 - A sunny yellow that adds brightness and energy. 5. Dark Purple - #6F42C1 - A rich purple that adds depth and creativity. 6. Teal - #20C997 - A calming teal that promotes tranquility and balance. 7. Orange - #FD7E14 - A warm orange that is cheerful and inviting. 8. Light Blue - #17A2B8 - A soft blue that is soothing and professional. 9. Dark Green - #218838 - A deep green that represents stability and reliability. 10. Pink - #E83E8C - A playful pink that provides a friendly touch. 11. Light Yellow - #FFEB3B - A lighter yellow that maintains brightness without being overwhelming. 12. Light Purple - #B57EBA - A soft purple that adds a gentle, creative touch. 13. Light Green - #6CC24A - A refreshing light green that symbolizes growth and renewal. 14. Salmon - #FF6B6B - A warm salmon color that is inviting and friendly. 15. Coral - #FF7F50 - A vibrant coral that adds a lively touch. 16. Mint Green - #98FF98 - A soft mint that is refreshing and calming. 17. Gold - #FFD700 - A bright gold that signifies success and quality. 18. Lavender - #E6E6FA - A light lavender that conveys elegance and serenity. 19. Sky Blue - #87CEEB - A light, airy blue that promotes clarity and calmness. 20. Mauve - #E0B0FF - A soft mauve that has a vintage feel, adding uniqueness. 21. Indigo - #4B0082 - A deep indigo that is rich and contemplative. 22. Peach - #FFDAB9 - A soft peach that is warm and welcoming. 23. Charcoal - #333333 - A dark gray that adds a modern, sophisticated touch. 24. Light Brown - #D2B48C - A warm light brown that provides a natural feel. 25. Cream - #FFFDD0 - A soft cream that is neutral and adaptable. This palette provides a range of distinct, vibrant colors suitable for creating an engaging and organized timetable in Excel. Each color is selected to ensure clarity and differentiation, enhancing usability. What types of events or categories will you be using the timetable for? Would you like any specific colors for certain categories?