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#8A1B29 Yugi
#009B77 Rainforest
#EFAF1C Joey
#663399 Duke
#C71585 Mai
#FFD700 Ishizu
#4B0082 Bakura
#FF69B4 Harpies Lady Sisters

Yu-Gi-Oh! Characters

Palette Description

 <Yu-Gi-Oh! Characters>
1. Yugi - 
                         - A deep crimson red representing Yugi's passionate and determined spirit.
2. Téa - 
                         - A vibrant teal symbolizing Téa's supportive and lively personality.
3. Joey - 
                         - A warm golden yellow that reflects Joey's friendly and optimistic nature.
4. Duke - 
                         - A rich purple representing Duke's mysterious and confident demeanor.
5. Mai - 
                         - A bold magenta that embodies Mai's fierce and independent character.
6. Ishizu - 
                         - A bright gold symbolizing Ishizu's wisdom and connection to ancient Egypt.
7. Bakura - 
                         - A dark indigo representing Bakura's complex and enigmatic nature.
8. Harpies Lady Sisters - 
                         - A lively hot pink reflecting the vibrant and fierce energy of the Harpies.

This color palette draws inspiration from the personalities and characteristics of the characters from Yu-Gi-Oh! It combines deep, bold colors with vibrant hues to reflect their unique traits and relationships within the series.

What specific design or project do you have in mind for this color palette? Would you like to explore different styles or additional characters?