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#4DAF50 Fern Green
#8CEC94 Mint Leaf
#C6F49C Spring Meadow
#DFFC71 Lime Zest
#E9FFC9 Dewdrop
#00B450 Tropical Oasis


Palette Description

Color Palette: Lush Green Oasis

1. Color Name: Fern Green
   Hex Code: 
   Description: A vibrant and refreshing shade of green, reminiscent of lush ferns in a tropical rainforest.

2. Color Name: Mint Leaf
   Hex Code: 
   Description: A soothing and cool green hue, resembling the fresh and invigorating essence of mint leaves.

3. Color Name: Spring Meadow
   Hex Code: 
   Description: A soft and serene shade of green, evoking the peacefulness and tranquility of a blossoming spring meadow.

4. Color Name: Lime Zest
   Hex Code: 
   Description: A zesty and energetic green tone, akin to the vibrant zestiness of freshly squeezed lime.

5. Color Name: Dewdrop
   Hex Code: 
   Description: A delicate and pale green shade, reminiscent of the sparkling and pure droplets of morning dew.

6. Color Name: Tropical Oasis
   Hex Code: 
   Description: The central color in the palette, a deep and rich green hue, representing the lushness and beauty of a tropical oasis.