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#003DA5 Blue Hour
#C0C0C0 Silver
#FFA500 Orange
#000000 Black

城之内克也 Color Palette

Palette Description

 <城之内克也 Color Palette> 
1. 深い青 - 
                         - A deep blue reminiscent of the hero's determination and strength.
2. 銀色 - 
                         - A silver tone symbolizing resilience and focus, often associated with technology.
3. 明るいオレンジ - 
                         - A bright orange that represents enthusiasm and energy, reflecting a youthful spirit.
4. ブラック - 
                         - A solid black representing the seriousness of a hero's journey and challenges.
5. ホワイト - 
                         - A pure white symbolizing hope and a fresh start in the face of adversity.

This color palette combines deep, bold colors that reflect the character’s bravery and resilience, with brighter accents that highlight energy and optimism. The use of black and white adds depth and contrast, symbolizing the balance between challenges and hope.

Do you have any specific applications in mind for this palette, such as a design project or branding?