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#B0E0E6 Powder Blue
#87CEFA Light Sky Blue
#4169E1 Royal Blue
#1E90FF Dodger Blue
#000080 Navy Blue

Different Shades of Blue

Palette Description

 <Different Shades of Blue>
1. Powder Blue - 
                         - A light and airy shade that creates a peaceful atmosphere, perfect for lower data values.
2. Light Sky Blue - 
                         - A bright, cheerful shade that can represent moderate data values while maintaining a fresh look.
3. Royal Blue - 
                         - A bold and vivid blue that captures attention, great for important or standout data points.
4. Dodger Blue - 
                         - A striking, vibrant blue that conveys energy and is suitable for higher data values.
5. Navy Blue - 
                         - A deep, classic blue that signifies the highest data values, adding a touch of professionalism and authority.

This color palette features various shades of blue, from soft and light to deep and dark. Each shade serves a specific purpose in representing data values, ensuring clarity and visual interest in your Google Sheets table.

Do you have a specific application or context in mind for these shades? Would you like to explore complementary colors or additional themes?