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#f75d5c Grapefruit
#5CF7F5 Complementary Teal

Complementary Color for Coral

Palette Description

Using color theory, complementary colors are those that are opposite each other on the color wheel. For the coral color #f75d5c , its complementary color would be a shade of teal or turquoise, which can balance the warmth of coral with a cool counterpart.

Here’s a recommended complementary color:

 <Complementary Color for Coral>
1. Complementary Teal - 
                         - A bright, vibrant teal that pairs well with coral to create a lively contrast.

This teal can be used in tables or visualizations to highlight important data points or sections against the coral background, providing a harmonious yet vibrant visual experience.

Would you like to explore more color combinations or perhaps see how these colors can be applied in a specific design or layout?