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#3C3F2A Olive Green
#FFFFFF Pure White
#B0B3B1 Soft Gray

Olive Serenity

Palette Description

 <Olive Serenity>
1. Olive Green - 
                         - A muted, earthy green that brings a sense of calm and nature.
2. Pure White - 
                         - A bright, clean white that adds freshness and contrast.
3. Soft Gray - 
                         - A gentle, neutral gray that complements and balances the stronger colors.

This color palette, named “Olive Serenity,” combines the natural and grounding qualities of olive green with the crispness of white and the subtlety of soft gray, creating a harmonious and tranquil atmosphere suitable for a variety of designs.

What type of project are you planning to use this color palette for? Do you have any specific shades or tones in mind?