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#28A745 On Time
#FFC107 Off Track
#DC3545 Missed ETAs
#F8F9FA Base Background
#343A40 Artist's Charcoal

Fleet Management ETA Palette

Palette Description

Here’s a color palette designed for your spreadsheet that focuses on clarity and functionality for tracking ETAs in a trucking company. The colors are selected to ensure that the conditional formatting stands out while maintaining a professional and clean look for the base of the sheet.

 <Fleet Management ETA Palette>
1. On Time - 
                         - A vibrant green representing on-time ETAs, conveying success and reliability.
2. Off Track - 
                         - A warm amber color indicating off-track ETAs, signaling caution and the need for attention.
3. Missed ETAs - 
                         - A strong red representing missed ETAs, evoking urgency and the need for corrective action.
4. Base Background - 
                         - A light grayish-white background color that provides a neutral canvas for data visibility.
5. Header/Footer - 
                         - A dark gray for headers and footers, adding contrast while keeping the overall aesthetic professional.

This color palette provides a clear visual distinction between the different statuses of ETAs, making it easy to interpret the data at a glance. The base colors ensure that the information is easy to read without being overwhelming.

Would you like to explore any specific colors or themes further, or do you have any other specific requirements for the spreadsheet?