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#FF2B2B Bright Red
#228B22 Forest Green
#2B2BFF Bright Blue
#FF8C00 Bright Orange
#8B4513 Brown
#FFFF2B Yellow

RGB Name Tag Palette with Forest Green

Palette Description

 < RGB Name Tag Palette with Forest Green>
1. Bright Red - 
                         - A vibrant red that draws attention, perfect for the main focus of a name tag.
2. Forest Green - 
                         - A deep, rich green that evokes a sense of nature and stability, enhancing the overall earthy theme.
3. Bright Blue - 
                         - A bold blue that conveys professionalism and reliability, ideal for a background or accent.
4. Bright Orange - 
                         - A warm orange that adds energy and enthusiasm, making the name tag feel inviting.
5. Brown - 
                         - A rich brown that provides a grounded, earthy tone, perfect for text or subtle backgrounds.
6. Yellow - 
                         - A cheerful yellow that adds a pop of brightness and warmth, great for highlights.
7. White - 
                         - A clean and neutral white that provides a clear contrast with other colors, enhancing readability.

The palette now features a forest green, which enhances the natural and grounded feel of the name tag while still ensuring visibility and legibility.

What is the primary purpose of the name tags? Are there any specific features or elements you’d like to be included in the design?