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#003DA5 Blue Hour
#C0C0C0 Silver
#000000 Black
#FFD700 Gold

海馬乃亞 Color Palette

Palette Description

 <海馬乃亞 Color Palette>
1. 深藍 - 
                         - A deep blue representing the ocean and the strategic mindset of Kaiba.
2. 銀色 - 
                         - A sleek silver symbolizing technology and sophistication associated with Kaiba's character.
3. 黑色 - 
                         - A strong black that conveys power and authority, reflecting Kaiba's personality.
4. 白色 - 
                         - A clean white providing contrast and representing purity in his quest for victory.
5. 金色 - 
                         - A rich gold that signifies success and ambition, echoing Kaiba's aspirations.

This color palette reflects the essence of Kaiba from Yu-Gi-Oh, combining elements of power, technology, and ambition through deep, strong colors and metallic hues.

Do you have specific design applications in mind for this palette, such as a website, branding, or artwork?