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#004B87 Primary Blue
#B7B7B7 Soft Gray
#FF6A13 Energetic Orange
#009688 Cool Teal
#FFFFFF Classic White
#333333 Deep Charcoal

Corporate Branding Palette

Palette Description

 <Corporate Branding Palette>
1. Primary Blue - 
                         - A strong and trustworthy blue that represents stability and professionalism. Ideal for backgrounds and main branding elements.
2. Soft Gray - 
                         - A neutral gray that complements the primary color. Use for text and secondary backgrounds to ensure readability and contrast.
3. Energetic Orange - 
                         - A vibrant orange that adds energy and warmth. Best used for call-to-action buttons and highlights to draw attention.
4. Cool Teal - 
                         - A refreshing teal that conveys innovation and growth. Use for accents and highlights to create a modern feel.
5. Classic White - 
                         - A clean and versatile white that ensures high contrast. Use for text on darker backgrounds and to enhance readability.
6. Deep Charcoal - 
                         - A dark gray that adds depth and sophistication. Ideal for body text and footer backgrounds.


This corporate branding palette combines professionalism with energy. The primary blue establishes trust, while soft gray ensures clarity and neutrality. Energetic orange adds a pop of excitement for calls to action, while cool teal brings a contemporary twist. Classic white and deep charcoal provide high contrast, ensuring accessibility for all users, including those with color blindness.

Usage Recommendations:

  • Primary Blue: Use for logos, headers, and key branding elements.
  • Soft Gray: Use for background areas, secondary elements, and body text.
  • Energetic Orange: Ideal for buttons, icons, and promotional highlights.
  • Cool Teal: Use for infographics and accent details in presentations.
  • Classic White: Best for text on darker backgrounds and for creating a clean layout.
  • Deep Charcoal: Use for body text, footers, and to create a layered look.

Do you have any specific industries or target audiences in mind for this palette? Or would you like to see variations based on different themes?