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#007BFF Primary Blue
#F2F2F2 Soft Gray
#4CAF50 Earthy Green
#E6D8B8 Warm Beige
#FF5722 Accent Orange

Real Estate App Palette

Palette Description

 <Real Estate App Palette> 
1. Primary Blue - 
                         - A vibrant and trustworthy blue that conveys reliability and professionalism, ideal for a real estate app. 
2. Soft Gray - 
                         - A light, neutral gray that provides an unobtrusive background, allowing content to stand out without overwhelming the user. 
3. Earthy Green - 
                         - A calming green that symbolizes growth and prosperity, perfect for representing homes and nature in real estate. 
4. Warm Beige - 
                         - A warm, inviting beige that creates a welcoming atmosphere, suitable for backgrounds and accents. 
5. Accent Orange - 
                         - A bright and energetic orange used sparingly for call-to-action buttons and highlights, encouraging user engagement. 

This color palette is designed to evoke trust, professionalism, and warmth, making users feel comfortable while browsing listings and making inquiries.

What type of features or sections will your app include? This can help refine the palette further!