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#DB4437 Red
#4285F4 Blue
#F4B400 Yellow
#0F9D58 Green
#A142F4 Light Blue

Google Color Palette

Palette Description

 <Google Color Palette>
1. Red - 
                         - A vibrant, attention-grabbing red often associated with energy and passion.
2. Blue - 
                         - A cool, calming blue that conveys trust and dependability.
3. Yellow - 
                         - A cheerful, bright yellow that evokes optimism and warmth.
4. Green - 
                         - A refreshing green symbolizing growth and harmony.
5. Light Blue - 
                         - A soft, inviting light blue that adds a modern touch.

This color palette captures the essence of Google’s branding, using bright primary colors that are energetic and approachable. Each color serves a distinct purpose, enhancing usability and visual appeal.

What specific project are you considering these colors for? Are there any particular feelings or messages you want to convey with this palette?