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#007BA7 Cerulean
#FF6F61 Coral
#F6EB61 Lemon Yellow
#E6E6FA Lavender
#333333 Charcoal

Dotpict Color Palette

Palette Description

 <Dotpict Color Palette> 
1. Cerulean - 
                         - A vibrant shade of blue that evokes a sense of tranquility and creativity.
2. Coral - 
                         - A warm, inviting color that adds a touch of playfulness and energy.
3. Lemon Yellow - 
                         - A bright and cheerful yellow that brings a sense of optimism and brightness.
4. Lavender - 
                         - A soft, calming shade of purple that adds a touch of elegance and relaxation.
5. Charcoal - 
                         - A deep, versatile gray that grounds the palette and offers a modern touch.

This color palette captures the essence of creativity and playfulness, making it ideal for applications related to art, design, or gaming, such as Dotpict, which focuses on pixel art creation.

What specific use case do you have in mind for this palette? Would you like to explore variations or additional colors?