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#FF77FF Neon Pink
#00FFFF Electric Blue
#E6E6FA Soft Lavender
#008080 Dark Teal
#4B0082 Midnight Purple

Vaporwave Evening

Palette Description

 <Vaporwave Evening>
1. Neon Pink - 
                         - A bright, bold pink reminiscent of retro aesthetics and digital art.
2. Electric Blue - 
                         - A striking cyan that captures the essence of virtual spaces and digital dreams.
3. Soft Lavender - 
                         - A gentle lavender providing a calming contrast to the bolder colors.
4. Dark Teal - 
                         - A deep, moody teal that adds depth and sophistication to the palette.
5. Midnight Purple - 
                         - A deep purple that evokes the mystery of night and retro nostalgia.

The “Vaporwave Evening” color palette captures the essence of vaporwave aesthetics, featuring bold neon colors and soft pastels. It creates a nostalgic yet futuristic vibe, perfect for designs that aim to evoke feelings of retro digital culture and dreamy landscapes.

What type of design are you considering for this palette? Are there any specific elements or themes within the vaporwave style that you would like to emphasize?