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#FF6F91 Bright Pink
#FFB2C1 Light Pink
#00BFFF Bright Blue
#87CEFA Light Blue
#32CD32 Bright Green
#98FB98 Light Green
#FFD700 Bright Yellow
#FFFACD Light Yellow
#FF7F50 Bright Orange
#FFCC99 Apricot Sherbet
#A020F0 Bright Purple
#DDA0DD Light Purple
#FF6F61 Bright Coral
#F08080 Light Coral

I need fourteen colors for an excel sheet for a drag race fantasy league spreadsheet. I need two shades of each color. I would like the colors to be bright, fun, and pastel. You need to be able to read each color in bold black text.

Palette Description


1. Bright Pink - #FF6F91 - A lively, eye-catching pink that adds a fun vibe. 2. Light Pink - #FFB2C1 - A soft, pastel version that maintains readability. 3. Bright Blue - #00BFFF - A vibrant blue that stands out and energizes. 4. Light Blue - #87CEFA - A calming pastel blue that complements its brighter counterpart. 5. Bright Green - #32CD32 - A vivid green that brings a fresh and lively feel. 6. Light Green - #98FB98 - A gentle pastel green that remains cheerful and clear. 7. Bright Yellow - #FFD700 - A bold yellow that radiates positivity and enthusiasm. 8. Light Yellow - #FFFACD - A soft pastel yellow that is warm and inviting. 9. Bright Orange - #FF7F50 - A vibrant orange that is full of energy and excitement. 10. Light Orange - #FFCC99 - A mellow pastel orange that adds warmth without overwhelming. 11. Bright Purple - #A020F0 - A striking purple that captivates attention. 12. Light Purple - #DDA0DD - A soft, playful lavender that is easy on the eyes. 13. Bright Coral - #FF6F61 - A bright coral that is both vibrant and warm. 14. Light Coral - #F08080 - A pastel coral that is soft yet engaging. This palette is designed to be both fun and readable, perfect for a drag race fantasy league spreadsheet. The combination of bright and pastel shades ensures that the sheet will be lively and visually appealing while maintaining legibility with bold black text. What specific elements will you be using these colors for in your spreadsheet? Are there any particular shades or colors you would like to avoid?