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#FF6F91 Bright Pink
#FFB2C1 Light Pink
#FF4F3D Bright Coral
#FF9A8B Light Coral
#F9E94D Bright Yellow
#FDF6A9 Light Yellow
#65D49F Bright Green
#A8E6CF Light Green
#1E90FF Bright Blue
#ADD8E6 Light Blue
#FF7F50 Bright Orange
#FFB76B Light Orange
#A020F0 Bright Purple
#DDA0DD Light Purple
#3EB489 Bright Mint
#A0E5D2 Light Mint
#FFB07C Bright Peach
#FFD8B1 Light Peach

I need fourteen colors for an excel sheet for a drag race fantasy league spreadsheet. I need two shades of each color. I would like the colors to be bright, fun, and pastel. You need to be able to read each color in bold black text.

Palette Description


1. Bright Pink - #FF6F91 - A vibrant pink that exudes energy and excitement. 2. Light Pink - #FFB2C1 - A soft pastel pink that is warm and inviting. 3. Bright Coral - #FF4F3D - A lively coral that adds a playful touch. 4. Light Coral - #FF9A8B - A gentle pastel coral that feels friendly and soft. 5. Bright Yellow - #F9E94D - A bright yellow that radiates positivity and fun. 6. Light Yellow - #FDF6A9 - A lighter pastel yellow that is sunny and cheerful. 7. Bright Green - #65D49F - A vibrant green that brings freshness and vibrancy. 8. Light Green - #A8E6CF - A calming pastel green that maintains clarity. 9. Bright Blue - #1E90FF - A bold blue that energizes and captivates. 10. Light Blue - #ADD8E6 - A soft pastel blue that is gentle and serene. 11. Bright Orange - #FF7F50 - A fun, lively orange full of enthusiasm. 12. Light Orange - #FFB76B - A warm pastel orange that is friendly and inviting. 13. Bright Purple - #A020F0 - A striking purple that stands out and excites. 14. Light Purple - #DDA0DD - A light lavender that is playful and soft. 15. Bright Mint - #3EB489 - A fresh minty green that feels refreshing and bright. 16. Light Mint - #A0E5D2 - A gentle pastel mint that is soothing and light. 17. Bright Peach - #FFB07C - A warm and inviting peach that feels cheerful. 18. Light Peach - #FFD8B1 - A soft pastel peach that is friendly and approachable. This color palette features a range of bright and fun pastel colors, ensuring that each color is distinguishable and readable with bold black text. The pairs of colors provide variety while maintaining a cohesive and lively aesthetic suitable for a drag race fantasy league spreadsheet. Is there a specific layout or design element in the spreadsheet where you want these colors applied? Do you have any preferences for certain color combinations or themes?