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#FF0000 Red
#FFFF00 Yellow
#0000FF Blue
#FFA500 Orange
#008000 Green
#003366 Dark Blue
#FFFFE0 Light Yellow

RYB COD Color Palette

Palette Description

 <RYB COD Color Palette>
1. Red - 
                         - A striking and intense red, evoking strong emotions and excitement.
2. Yellow - 
                         - A luminous yellow, radiating warmth and positivity.
3. Blue - 
                         - A classic blue, offering a sense of calm and trustworthiness.
4. Orange - 
                         - A lively orange that merges the energy of red with the brightness of yellow.
5. Green - 
                         - A natural green that signifies balance and harmony, derived from mixing yellow and blue.
6. Dark Blue - 
                         - A deep navy blue that adds sophistication and depth to the palette.
7. Light Yellow - 
                         - A soft, pale yellow that provides a gentle contrast and a soothing effect.

This RYB COD color palette combines the classic RYB colors with additional shades for depth and versatility, making it suitable for both artistic and design applications where a balanced yet vibrant look is desired.

What specific context or medium are you thinking of applying this palette to?