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#2C3E50 Midnight Blue
#E67E22 Sunset Orange
#9B59B6 Soft Lavender
#1ABC9C Mint Green
#ECF0F1 Light Gray

Portfolio website color theme for artistic developer

Palette Description


1. Midnight Blue - #2C3E50 - A deep, calming blue that evokes professionalism and creativity, perfect for a tech-savvy developer. 2. Sunset Orange - #E67E22 - A vibrant, warm orange that adds a touch of energy and enthusiasm, representing creativity and passion. 3. Soft Lavender - #9B59B6 - A gentle lavender hue that conveys a sense of imagination and artistic flair, ideal for showcasing artistic work. 4. Mint Green - #1ABC9C - A refreshing mint green that brings a modern twist and represents innovation and growth in the tech space. 5. Light Gray - #ECF0F1 - A neutral light gray that balances the palette, providing a clean and minimalist backdrop for showcasing projects. This color palette combines a mix of calming and vibrant colors to reflect the duality of being a developer and an artist, creating an inviting and engaging atmosphere for visitors. What type of projects or artwork will you be showcasing? Do you have any specific preferences for additional colors or styles?