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#333333 Carbon
#F7F7F7 Doctor
#6A9BD1 Blue Bay
#EAE3D2 Mascarpone
#A3A56D Willow Leaf

Portfolio website color theme for artistic developer

Palette Description

Here’s how you can effectively apply each color from the palette to different elements of your portfolio website:


  1. Charcoal Gray - #333333
    • Use for: Backgrounds, header text, and navigation menus.
    • Description: This color serves as a strong foundation, providing a sophisticated backdrop that allows other elements to stand out. It’s ideal for creating contrast with lighter elements and ensuring legibility.
  2. Soft White - #F7F7F7
    • Use for: Main content areas, cards, and sections with text.
    • Description: This color creates a clean and spacious feel, enhancing readability. Use it for backgrounds of individual project showcases or text areas to provide a fresh and open appearance.
  3. Slate Blue - #6A9BD1
    • Use for: Buttons, links, and highlights.
    • Description: This muted blue can add a subtle touch of color to interactive elements without overwhelming the minimalist aesthetic. Use it for call-to-action buttons or hovered link states to encourage engagement.
  4. Light Beige - #EAE3D2
    • Use for: Footer backgrounds, secondary sections, or borders.
    • Description: This warm neutral can soften the overall look while providing a gentle contrast to the main sections. It works well for areas that need to feel inviting, such as testimonials or contact information.
  5. Dusty Olive - #A3A56D
    • Use for: Accent elements, such as icons, dividers, or subtle backgrounds in specific sections.
    • Description: This soft olive green introduces an organic touch and can add a modern twist to your design. Use it sparingly to highlight specific features or to create visual interest without detracting from the overall design.

This structured approach allows you to maintain a cohesive and modern minimalist aesthetic while effectively utilizing each color to enhance functionality and visual appeal.

Would you like to discuss typography or layout suggestions that complement this color palette?