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#333333 Charcoal Gray
#F7F7F7 Soft White
#6A9BD1 Slate Blue
#EAE3D2 Light Beige
#A3A56D Dusty Olive
#FF6B6B Warm Coral
#E0B0FF Soft Lavender
#B0BEC5 Cool Gray
#FFDAB9 Pale Peach
#A3BFD1 Gentle Sky

Portfolio website color theme for artistic developer

Palette Description

Absolutely! Here’s an expanded color palette that maintains a modern and minimalist vibe while introducing additional colors to provide more versatility:

<Artistic Developer Portfolio - Expanded Palette>

  1. Charcoal Gray - #333333 - A deep, sophisticated gray that serves as a strong foundation while maintaining a sleek and modern aesthetic.
  2. Soft White - #F7F7F7 - A gentle off-white that creates a clean, spacious feel, enhancing readability and focus on content.
  3. Slate Blue - #6A9BD1 - A muted blue that adds a touch of color without overpowering, providing a calm and professional look.
  4. Light Beige - #EAE3D2 - A warm, neutral beige that adds warmth and subtlety, perfect for a minimalist approach.
  5. Dusty Olive - #A3A56D - A soft olive green that introduces an organic touch while remaining understated and elegant.
  6. Warm Coral - #FF6B6B - A soft coral that adds a pop of warmth and friendliness, perfect for buttons or highlights.
  7. Soft Lavender - #E0B0FF - A light lavender that offers a whimsical and creative flair, ideal for accenting specific areas.
  8. Cool Gray - #B0BEC5 - A cool, calming gray that can be used for secondary text or backgrounds to create depth and layers.
  9. Pale Peach - #FFDAB9 - A soft peach that brings a warm, inviting feel to sections without being overpowering.
  10. Dusty Blue - #A3BFD1 - A muted blue-gray that adds depth and can be used in backgrounds or as a hover state for links.

This expanded palette provides a broader range of colors to work with while still aligning with a modern and minimalist aesthetic. You can use these additional shades for various elements, such as buttons, text highlights, backgrounds, and section dividers, ensuring your portfolio remains visually engaging.

Would you like to explore specific combinations of these colors for certain design elements or sections of your website?