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#000000 Deep Black
#FF3D00 Neon Red
#00FFFF Electric Cyan
#39FF14 Toxic Green
#4B0082 Dark Purple

High-Contrast Sci-Fi Palette

Palette Description

To enhance contrast while maintaining the menacing and sci-fi vibe, here’s a revised color palette that incorporates more striking contrasts alongside your existing colors:

 <High-Contrast Sci-Fi Palette>
1. Deep Black - 
                         - An absolute black that provides maximum contrast and a dramatic backdrop.
2. Neon Red - 
                         - A vibrant, luminous red that intensifies the existing red and adds an electrifying touch.
3. Electric Cyan - 
                         - A bright, striking cyan that contrasts sharply with the warm tones and complements jade green.
4. Toxic Green - 
                         - A vivid, almost glowing green that enhances the sci-fi aesthetic while contrasting with the grey and red.
5. Dark Purple - 
                         - A deep purple that adds a sense of mystery and complements the existing colors with a cool tone.

This palette provides high contrast, making each color pop and enhancing the overall menacing and sci-fi feel of your design.

Would you like suggestions on how to use these colors in a specific project, or are there any other adjustments you’d like to make?