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#D9D9D9 Light Gray
#003366 Dark Blue
#A4D65E Soft Green
#FF4C4C Warm Red
#FFF9C4 Pale Yellow

Excel Data Table

Palette Description

 <Excel Data Table> 
1. Light Gray - 
                         - A soft, neutral background that enhances readability without being distracting.
2. Dark Blue - 
                         - A strong, professional color for headers and important data points, conveying authority and trust.
3. Soft Green - 
                         - A calming color for highlighting positive values or trends, often associated with growth and success.
4. Warm Red - 
                         - A vibrant color for highlighting negative values or alerts, drawing immediate attention.
5. Pale Yellow - 
                         - A gentle highlighting color for secondary data or important notes, providing a subtle contrast.

This color palette is designed to enhance the clarity and organization of data in an Excel spreadsheet, ensuring that important information stands out while maintaining a professional look.

What specific data types will you be working with in the spreadsheet? Do you have any preferences for colors or styles?