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#A8E6CF Light Green
#66BB6A Medium Green
#388E3C Dark Green
#FFF176 Light Yellow
#FFA726 Medium Orange
#FFABAB Light Coral
#FF5252 Red

Order Status Variants

Palette Description

 <Order Status Variants>
1. Light Green - 
                         - A soft green indicating "Processed", representing a positive status.
2. Medium Green - 
                         - A fresh green for "Shipped", symbolizing movement and progress.
3. Dark Green - 
                         - A rich green for "Delivered", showcasing a successful completion.
4. Light Yellow - 
                         - A warm yellow for "Pending", indicating a neutral and waiting status.
5. Medium Orange - 
                         - An orange for "In Transit", suggesting activity and attention.
6. Light Coral - 
                         - A soft coral for "Delayed", indicating caution without alarm.
7. Red - 
                         - A bold red for "Canceled", representing urgency and need for attention.

This color palette provides a gradient of statuses from positive (green) to negative (red), allowing for clear visualization of order statuses at a glance.

Do you have specific shades in mind for each status, or would you like to see more variations? Would you like to include any additional statuses?