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#333333 Charcoal Black
#FFFFFF Pure White
#FAF3E0 Light Cream
#FF6F61 Coral Pink
#B2C8A8 Sage Green

Elegant Seller Home Landing Page

Palette Description

 <Elegant Seller Home Landing Page>
1. Charcoal Black - 
                         - A soft black that is less harsh than pure black, providing a sophisticated look for text.
2. Pure White - 
                         - A bright, clean white for the background, ensuring clarity and openness.
3. Light Cream - 
                         - A warm cream color to add a touch of warmth to the background, creating a more inviting feel.
4. Coral Pink - 
                         - A vibrant coral for call-to-action buttons and interactive elements, adding a pop of color and energy.
5. Sage Green - 
                         - A soft, muted green for highlights or backgrounds of sections, promoting a sense of calm and trust.

This palette aims to enhance the overall aesthetics while maintaining a user-friendly experience. The combination of warm tones with pops of color makes it visually delightful.

Are there any specific styles or moods you want to convey with this design, such as modern, rustic, or luxurious?