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#4A90E2 Light Blue
#FF6F61 Coral
#7D9A44 Olive Green
#F5B041 Golden Yellow
#A67CBE Lavender
#D35400 Burnt Orange
#008C74 Teal
#2C3E50 Dark Blue
#E74C3C Salmon Pink
#3D9970 Dark Olive
#F39C12 Bright Gold
#5D3F91 Deep Purple
#A0522D Burnt Sienna
#16A085 Dark Cyan

Stacked Bar Chart Colors

Palette Description

Here’s a color palette suitable for a stacked bar chart featuring 7 distinct colors, along with a dark mode version.

 <Stacked Bar Chart Colors>
1. Light Blue - 
                         - A soft, calming blue that represents tranquility.
2. Coral - 
                         - A warm, inviting coral that adds vibrancy.
3. Olive Green - 
                         - A muted green that conveys growth and nature.
4. Golden Yellow - 
                         - A bright, cheerful yellow that grabs attention.
5. Lavender - 
                         - A gentle purple that adds a touch of elegance.
6. Burnt Orange - 
                         - A rich, earthy orange that evokes warmth.
7. Teal - 
                         - A refreshing teal that balances the palette.

1. Dark Blue - #2C3E50 - A deep, rich blue providing a solid foundation. 2. Salmon Pink - #E74C3C - A bold pink that stands out against dark backgrounds. 3. Dark Olive - #3D9970 - A deep green that maintains visibility and harmony. 4. Bright Gold - #F39C12 - A striking gold that remains vibrant in low light. 5. Deep Purple - #5D3F91 - A dark purple that adds depth and sophistication. 6. Burnt Sienna - #A0522D - A dark orange that offers warmth without overpowering. 7. Dark Cyan - #16A085 - A saturated cyan that pops against dark tones. This palette is designed to ensure that each color is visually distinct and works well in both light and dark mode environments, making it perfect for a stacked bar chart visualization. What kind of application or context will these palettes be used in? Would you like to explore variations or additional colors?