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#FF6F61 Coral
#FF8C42 Sunset Orange
#5E35B1 Deep Purple
#FFDAB9 Soft Peach
#1E88E5 Twilight Blue

Sunset Sky Window

Palette Description

 <Sunset Sky Window> 
1. Coral - 
                         - A vibrant, warm pinkish-orange that captures the essence of a sunset.
2. Sunset Orange - 
                         - A bold orange that radiates warmth and energy, reminiscent of a glowing sunset.
3. Deep Purple - 
                         - A rich, deep purple that adds depth and contrast, mimicking the twilight sky.
4. Soft Peach - 
                         - A gentle peach that blends beautifully with sunset tones, creating a soft transition.
5. Twilight Blue - 
                         - A calming blue that represents the evening sky, providing balance to the warm hues.

This color palette is inspired by the beautiful colors of a sunset viewed through a large window. The warm tones of coral and sunset orange evoke a feeling of warmth and comfort, while the soft peach and twilight blue add a serene touch to the overall ambiance.

Would you like to incorporate any specific furniture styles or decor items in your bedroom design?