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#50C878 Emerald Green
#355E3B Hunter Green
#556B2F Dark Olive Green
#228B22 Forest Green
#7E9B6D Basil Green
#f8e9a1 Cream and Butter
#ed824d Gravlax

Refined Rich Greens

Palette Description

 <Refined Rich Greens> 
1. Emerald Green - 
                         - A vibrant and luxurious green that exudes richness and sophistication. 
2. Hunter Green - 
                         - A dark, bold green that provides a strong contrast and adds depth to the palette. 
3. Dark Olive Green - 
                         - A muted, earthy green that adds a touch of warmth and complexity. 
4. Forest Green - 
                         - A deep, rich green that brings a sense of nature and grounding. 
5. Basil Green - 
                         - A warm, medium green that adds a fresh yet sophisticated touch to the palette.

This updated color palette emphasizes richer greens without the blue undertones, ensuring a more cohesive look alongside the warm tones of #f8e9a1 (soft pastel yellow) and #ed824d (vibrant orange). The selected greens maintain a sense of depth and elegance while providing a harmonious blend with the existing colors.

Are there any specific contexts or design elements you want to focus on with this palette?