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#A5C8E1 Frosty Blue
#FFFFFF Snow White
#2E4A2A Pine Green
#B0B3B7 Silver Gray
#B03030 Berry Red

Winter Wonderland

Palette Description

 <Winter Wonderland>
1. Frosty Blue - 
                         - A soft, icy blue reminiscent of a clear winter sky.
2. Snow White - 
                         - Pure white, symbolizing fresh snow blanketing the landscape.
3. Pine Green - 
                         - A deep, rich green reflecting the evergreen trees common in winter.
4. Silver Gray - 
                         - A cool gray that captures the essence of frost and winter shadows.
5. Berry Red - 
                         - A warm, vibrant red that adds a pop of color to the otherwise muted winter palette.

This color palette evokes the serene and tranquil beauty of winter, combining soft, cool tones with a touch of warmth to reflect the season’s charm.

What specific projects or design elements are you considering using this color palette for?