Huehive Logo


#1677FF Primary Button
#4DA6FF Secondary Button
#28A745 Success Button
#FFC107 Warning Button
#DC3545 Danger Button
#A4C8E1 Disabled Button
#F4F7FA Background Color
#FFFFFF Card Background
#333333 Text Color
#CED4DA Skyscraper

Dashboard Color Palette

Palette Description

 <Dashboard Color Palette>
1. Primary Button - 
                         - A bold blue for primary actions that stands out on the dashboard.
2. Secondary Button - 
                         - A lighter blue for secondary actions, providing a softer contrast to the primary button.
3. Success Button - 
                         - A fresh green that represents successful actions, ideal for "confirm" or "save" buttons.
4. Warning Button - 
                         - A warm yellow that signifies caution, useful for actions like "delete" or "warning."
5. Danger Button - 
                         - A strong red that indicates critical actions that may lead to data loss or error.
6. Disabled Button - 
                         - A muted blue to indicate non-interactive states.
7. Background Color - 
                         - A light grayish-blue background that keeps the dashboard clean and modern.
8. Card Background - 
                         - A pure white for card components, ensuring content stands out clearly.
9. Text Color - 
                         - A dark gray for primary text, providing good readability against lighter backgrounds.
10. Border Color - 
                         - A light gray for borders around cards and buttons, adding subtle separation without being intrusive.

This color palette is tailored for a dashboard interface, providing clarity and a professional look while ensuring important actions are highlighted. The use of various colors for buttons and components allows users to quickly understand the functionality and importance of each element.

What specific features or sections are you planning to include in your dashboard? Are there any branding guidelines or themes you want to follow?