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#003366 Navy Blue
#50C878 Emerald Green
#DAA520 Goldenrod
#4682B4 Steel Blue
#FF8C69 Salmon Pink
#36454F Charcoal Grey
#008080 Teal
#D3D3D3 Light Grey

Business Presentation Pie Chart Colors

Palette Description

Here’s a minimalist color palette for a pie chart featuring 8 colors, excluding purple, designed for a business presentation:

 <Business Presentation Pie Chart Colors>
1. Navy Blue - 
                         - A strong, professional blue symbolizing trust and reliability.
2. Emerald Green - 
                         - A rich green representing growth and prosperity.
3. Goldenrod - 
                         - A warm golden color that conveys success and achievement.
4. Steel Blue - 
                         - A calm blue that adds professionalism without overwhelming.
5. Salmon Pink - 
                         - An approachable yet sophisticated soft pink.
6. Charcoal Grey - 
                         - A deep grey that provides elegance and balance.
7. Teal - 
                         - A calming blue-green that signifies clarity and trust.
8. Light Grey - 
                         - A neutral light grey that offers a clean backdrop for contrast.

This color palette is both professional and visually appealing, ensuring clarity while keeping a minimalist aesthetic.

Would you like to explore specific color adjustments or additional color combinations?