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#F4C2C2 Skin
#A0522D Hair
#8B0000 Eyes
#C0C0C0 Outfit Accent
#4B3D3D Shadow

Mai Valentine

Palette Description

Based on the character Mai Valentine from the Yu-Gi-Oh! series, I have created a color palette that captures her distinctive features, including her skin tone, hair, and eye color.

 <Mai Valentine>
1. Skin - 
                         - A soft, light peach tone that reflects her fair skin.
2. Hair - 
                         - A rich, warm chestnut brown that represents her long, flowing hair.
3. Eyes - 
                         - A deep, striking red that captures the intensity of her eyes.
4. Outfit Accent - 
                         - A cool silver that signifies her stylish and bold clothing choices.
5. Shadow - 
                         - A dark brownish-gray that adds depth and contrast for her overall look.

This color palette embodies Mai’s character, showcasing her elegance and fierce personality through a combination of warm and cool tones.

What specific application do you have in mind for this color palette? Is it for a graphic design project, a website, or something else?