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#F5D5B3 Fair Skin
#F8EBA1 Blonde Hair
#A77BCA Purple Eyes
#5E4B8E Deep Purple
#F2C6D1 Soft Pink

Mai Valentine Inspired Palette

Palette Description

 <Mai Valentine Inspired Palette>
1. Fair Skin - 
                         - A soft, warm beige tone that represents fair skin.
2. Blonde Hair - 
                         - A light, golden blonde reminiscent of sun-kissed hair.
3. Purple Eyes - 
                         - A vibrant, pastel purple reflecting the unique color of her eyes.
4. Deep Purple - 
                         - A rich, darker purple to add depth and contrast.
5. Soft Pink - 
                         - A gentle pink that complements the overall palette and adds a feminine touch.

This color palette captures the essence of Mai Valentine, showcasing her fair skin, blonde hair, and striking purple eyes while incorporating complementary colors to enhance the overall aesthetic.

Would you like to explore variations of this palette or apply it to specific design elements?