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#F0D68C Blonde
#E5E0FF Lavender
#FCE8D5 Fair Skin
#FF6F91 Pink Lipstick
#D3D3D3 Light Grey

Mai Valentine Inspired

Palette Description

 <Mai Valentine Inspired>
1. Blonde - 
                         - A soft, light blonde reminiscent of Mai's vibrant hair.
2. Lavender - 
                         - A delicate lavender representing her striking purple eyes.
3. Fair Skin - 
                         - A warm, fair skin tone reflecting her complexion.
4. Pink Lipstick - 
                         - A bold, playful pink that captures the essence of her signature lipstick.
5. Light Grey - 
                         - A subtle light grey for a neutral background that complements the vibrant colors.

This color palette is inspired by Mai Valentine’s distinctive features, combining soft and playful hues that reflect her personality and aesthetic.

Would you like to explore specific applications for this palette, such as branding, character design, or other creative projects?