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#000000 Deep Black
#0F52BA Sapphire Blue
#8B5A2B Warm Brown
#C0C0C0 Silver Grey
#6A0DAD Mystic Purple

Ishizu Ishtar

Palette Description

 <Ishizu Ishtar>
1. Deep Black - 
                         - A rich, deep black representing Ishizu's hair.
2. Sapphire Blue - 
                         - A vibrant blue reflecting her striking blue eyes.
3. Warm Brown - 
                         - A warm brown to represent her skin tone.
4. Silver Grey - 
                         - A soft silver to add contrast and elegance.
5. Mystic Purple - 
                         - A mystical purple for an accent that embodies her mysterious persona.

This color palette captures the essence of Ishizu Ishtar, combining bold and sophisticated hues that reflect her character’s striking features and enigmatic nature.

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