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#002B5C Deep Blue
#C0C0C0 Silver
#A3C1DA Ice Blue
#4A4A4A Dark Gray

Seto Kaiba Color Palette

Palette Description

 <Seto Kaiba Color Palette> 
1. Deep Blue - 
                         - A rich, dark blue reminiscent of Seto Kaiba's iconic jacket and hair.
2. Silver - 
                         - A sleek, metallic silver that reflects the color of his hair.
3. Ice Blue - 
                         - A light, cool blue that mirrors the color of his piercing eyes.
4. Dark Gray - 
                         - A deep, neutral gray that complements his overall aesthetic and attire.
5. White - 
                         - A crisp white that represents the sharp contrast in his outfit and adds a touch of elegance.

This color palette encapsulates the essence of Seto Kaiba, featuring deep blues and silvers that reflect his character’s strong and sophisticated personality. The cool tones provide a sense of calm and authority, while the gray and white balance the palette, adding depth and contrast.

Would you like to explore additional color variations or perhaps a specific application for this palette, such as a character design or a themed project?