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#F7C6B6 Soft Peach
#4E3B31 Chestnut Brown
#BDAE8E Light Hazel
#F2B2C6 Blush Pink
#FFF3E4 Cream

Shizuka Kawai

Palette Description

Based on your query regarding the colors associated with Shizuka Kawai (a character known for her gentle and soft appearance), I’ve created a color palette that reflects her skin tone, hair color, and eye color.

 <Shizuka Kawai>
1. Soft Peach - 
                         - A gentle and warm skin tone that gives a soft, youthful appearance.
2. Chestnut Brown - 
                         - A rich, warm brown with subtle reddish undertones, representing her hair color.
3. Light Hazel - 
                         - A soft, earthy hazel that captures the warmth of her eye color.
4. Blush Pink - 
                         - A delicate pink that complements her features and adds a touch of femininity.
5. Cream - 
                         - A light, creamy shade that provides a neutral balance and enhances the overall softness of the palette.

This color palette is designed to evoke a sense of warmth, softness, and approachability, which aligns with Shizuka Kawai’s character aesthetics.

Do you have a particular project in mind for this color palette? Would you like to explore variations or additional colors?