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#4B3D4D Hair
#F8CBA6 Skin
#A1D3E0 Eyes
#C72A5D Outfit
#FFC700 Accents

Mai Valentine Color Palette

Palette Description

 <Mai Valentine Color Palette>
1. Hair - 
                         - A deep, rich violet that embodies Mai's sleek and stylish hair.
2. Skin - 
                         - A warm, peachy beige representing her smooth complexion.
3. Eyes - 
                         - A soft, shimmering aqua blue that captures the brightness of her eyes.
4. Outfit - 
                         - A bold magenta that reflects her fierce and competitive spirit.
5. Accents - 
                         - A vibrant golden yellow for a touch of energy and flair.

This color palette represents Mai Valentine’s distinctive features, with a focus on her hair, skin, and eyes, while also incorporating colors that reflect her personality and style from the anime.

What specific project are you considering for this color palette? Are there any additional elements or themes you’d like to incorporate?