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#B0E0E6 Opal
#87CEEB Below Zero
#E6E6FA Foundation White
#98FB98 Toxic Frog

minimalist not too dark green,blue and black for websites

Palette Description

For a dreamy theme, the following colors from the palettes would work well as primary and secondary colors:

Primary Color:

  • Serene Blue - #B0E0E6 (from the first palette) or Sky Blue - #87CEEB (from the second palette)
    • Both colors evoke a sense of calm and serenity, making them ideal as a primary color for backgrounds or large elements on the website.

Secondary Color:

  • Soft Lavender - #E6E6FA (from the first palette) or Pale Green - #98FB98 (from the fourth palette)
    • These colors complement the primary blue nicely. Soft Lavender adds a whimsical touch, while Pale Green offers a fresh and natural vibe.

Using these combinations will create a balanced and cohesive dreamy aesthetic.

Would you like suggestions on how to incorporate these colors into your design, such as for buttons, headings, or backgrounds?