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#FF6F61 Festival Coral Red
#FFD700 Golden Yellow
#87CEEB Sky Blue
#39FF14 Neon Green
#E6E6FA Lavender Purple

Festival Vibes

Palette Description

Here’s the color palette based on your request for festival coral red, golden yellow, sky blue, neon green, and lavender purple:

 <Festival Vibes> 
1. Festival Coral Red - 
                         - A vibrant coral that radiates warmth and energy, perfect for a festive atmosphere.
2. Golden Yellow - 
                         - A rich and sunny yellow that brings a sense of joy and brightness to the design.
3. Sky Blue - 
                         - A light and playful blue that evokes a sense of tranquility and complements the warm tones.
4. Neon Green - 
                         - An electrifying and bright green that adds a playful, eye-catching pop to the palette.
5. Lavender Purple - 
                         - A soft and calming lavender that balances the vibrancy of the other colors with a touch of elegance.

This color palette, “Festival Vibes,” combines bright and cheerful colors that evoke feelings of joy, fun, and celebration, making it ideal for a lively and colorful sunglasses website.

Would you like to explore more options, or do you have any specific design elements in mind that you want to incorporate with this palette?