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#FFB3D9 Pastel Pink
#D6A3E8 Pastel Purple
#A3D1E8 Sky Blue
#B2E0B2 Light Green
#FFF700 Bright Lemon Yellow

Pastel Party

Palette Description

Here’s a color palette featuring pastel and bright shades of pink, purple, blue, light green, and yellow:

 <Pastel Party> 
1. Pastel Pink - 
                         - A soft and sweet pink that brings a gentle warmth and playfulness to the design.
2. Pastel Purple - 
                         - A light lavender that adds a whimsical and calming touch, perfect for a playful theme.
3. Sky Blue - 
                         - A soft blue that evokes a sense of calm and serenity, complementing the warmer tones.
4. Light Green - 
                         - A refreshing pastel green that adds a touch of nature and freshness to the palette.
5. Bright Lemon Yellow - 
                         - A cheerful and vibrant yellow that injects energy and joy, making the palette pop.

This color palette, “Pastel Party,” combines soft pastels with a bright accent to create a fun and inviting atmosphere, ideal for a colorful sunglasses website or any playful design.

Would you like any adjustments to this palette, or do you have other colors you’d like to explore?