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#FF9BBA Soft Pink
#E4B2E1 Light Lavender
#A4D8E1 Baby Blue
#B2E8D5 Mint Green
#FFEA00 Buttercup Yellow

Bright Pastels

Palette Description

Here’s another color palette featuring pastel and bright shades of pink, blue, purple, yellow, and light soft green:

 <Bright Pastels> 
1. Soft Pink - 
                         - A gentle and cheerful pink that adds a playful, inviting touch.
2. Light Lavender - 
                         - A soft purple that brings a touch of whimsy and elegance to the palette.
3. Baby Blue - 
                         - A light and airy blue that evokes feelings of tranquility and freshness.
4. Mint Green - 
                         - A soft and refreshing green that brings a sense of calm and nature.
5. Buttercup Yellow - 
                         - A bright and sunny yellow that adds a vibrant pop of energy and joy.

This color palette, “Bright Pastels,” combines soft pastel colors with bright accents for a lively yet gentle look, making it perfect for a fun and engaging sunglasses website or any playful design.

Would you like to explore more palettes, or is there a particular style or theme you’re interested in?