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#B0B0B0 Soft Gray
#003366 Deep Blue
#4B8D4B Muted Green
#D9C9A0 Warm Beige
#333333 Charcoal Black

Sober Excel Palette

Palette Description

Here’s a sober color palette suitable for an Excel sheet with multiple sections of information, ensuring clarity and professionalism:

 <Sober Excel Palette> 
1. Soft Gray - 
                         - A neutral gray for backgrounds, providing a clean and understated base.
2. Deep Blue - 
                         - A strong navy blue that adds depth and can be used for headers or important highlights.
3. Muted Green - 
                         - A calming green that works well for positive indicators or success messages.
4. Warm Beige - 
                         - A light beige that softens the overall look, suitable for section dividers.
5. Charcoal Black - 
                         - A dark charcoal for text, ensuring readability without being too harsh.

This color palette combines muted and soft tones to promote readability and organization while maintaining a professional appearance.

Would you like suggestions on how to apply these colors in your Excel sheet, or do you have specific sections you want to highlight?