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#A4C8E1 Light Blue
#B7E1B5 Soft Green
#D3D3D3 Light Gray
#EAB8C8 Dusty Rose
#E7D6C1 Warm Beige
#D7C3E0 Cool Lavender
#F2B2A0 Soft Coral
#B5C99A Light Olive
#F5E68D Pale Yellow
#6A8EAA Treasure Map Waters
#D4956D Terracotta
#BDA0C9 Dusty Lavender
#4A4A4A Charcoal Gray
#C7B6A0 Warm Taupe
#A77B9D Soft Plum
#D6CFC4 Cool Beige
#4D9B9A Muted Teal
#C6B16A Dusty Gold

Muted Professional Colors

Palette Description

Here’s the updated color palette with one more additional muted color:

 <Muted Professional Colors>
1. Light Blue - 
                         - A soft and calming blue that promotes clarity and organization.
2. Soft Green - 
                         - A gentle green that conveys growth and balance.
3. Light Gray - 
                         - A neutral tone that adds a sense of professionalism and simplicity.
4. Dusty Rose - 
                         - A warm and inviting pink that adds a touch of comfort.
5. Warm Beige - 
                         - A subtle beige that provides a grounded, earthy feel.
6. Cool Lavender - 
                         - A soothing lavender that introduces a hint of creativity.
7. Soft Coral - 
                         - A light coral that is both vibrant and approachable.
8. Light Olive - 
                         - An understated olive green that brings a touch of nature.
9. Pale Yellow - 
                         - A soft yellow that adds brightness without overwhelming.
10. Slate Blue - 
                         - A muted blue that conveys reliability and depth.
11. Terracotta - 
                         - A warm, earthy tone that adds warmth and richness.
12. Dusty Lavender - 
                         - A muted lavender that adds a unique touch with a soft flair.
13. Charcoal Gray - 
                         - A strong, dark gray that provides contrast and sophistication.
14. Warm Taupe - 
                         - An inviting taupe that adds warmth and neutrality.
15. Soft Plum - 
                         - A rich plum that offers elegance and depth.
16. Cool Beige - 
                         - A cool-toned beige that brings a refreshing and modern look.
17. Muted Teal - 
                         - A subdued teal that adds depth and sophistication to the palette.
18. Dusty Gold - 
                         - A muted gold that brings a touch of luxury without being overpowering.


The color palette now includes Dusty Gold, which adds an elegant and luxurious feel while maintaining the overall muted and professional aesthetic.

Would you like to make any adjustments, or do you need assistance with something else?