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#E6E6FA Lavender
#CCCCFF Periwinkle
#A8A2B1 Wisteria
#C8A2D0 Lilac
#8E8B9B Plum

Calm Violet

Palette Description

 <Calm Violet>
1. Lavender - 
                         - A soft, light shade of violet that evokes tranquility and relaxation.
2. Periwinkle - 
                         - A gentle blue-violet that brings a sense of calmness and peace.
3. Wisteria - 
                         - A muted, grayish violet that adds a touch of elegance while remaining soothing.
4. Lilac - 
                         - A soft and delicate violet that creates a warm and inviting atmosphere.
5. Plum - 
                         - A deeper, muted shade of violet that adds depth without overwhelming the senses.

This color palette embodies a calm and serene atmosphere, perfect for spaces or designs intended to promote relaxation and tranquility. The soft shades of violet and muted tones create a peaceful setting.

Would you like to explore more color palettes, or do you have a specific application in mind for this palette?